- 特殊學校暨資源中心-知識管理
- 香港特殊教育論壇, 7, 75-92, 2004
- 香港特殊教育學會有限公司
- 2004
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 未指定或無法歸類
- 近年本港出現多所由教育統籌局倡議成立的特殊學校暨資源中心,期望能為就讀於主流學校的具特殊教育需要學童及其教師提供支援,解決他們在學與教上面對的困難。這些特殊學校暨資源中心除提供一般的特殊教育服務外,承擔了融合教育的先導角色。就此,政府理應清晰地保證其適切的資源投入;在營運過程中,鼓勵及輔導這些機構因應實際需求,提供多元化的支援服務;而對其產出亦要有一定的問責機制,監察資源的投放是否能符合成本效益原則。這項措施實為本地特殊教育發展的一個重要里程,其成敗關係著融合教育的推展是否暢順,相信這是業界的共識。 本文作者從教育政策的制定、學校組織變改革兩個視點嘗試初步分析這項措施,指出多項在應然及實然層面間可能存在的問題,並提出知識型經濟社會下特殊學校暨資源中心的存在意義及可能模式。期望能引起業界關注及討論。 With the recent development on the pilot project to develop special schools into resource centers by the Education and Manpower Bureau for supporting students with special educational needs being integrated into the mainstream schools, a number of special schools are acting as pioneers for developing integrated education in Hong Kong. The Government should therefore take an active role for providing resources as well as monitoring the impact of the pilot project as the project will become one of the key milestones in the development of special education services as well as integrated education in Hong Kong. The article attempted to discuss the important issues involved in developing special schools into resource centers and the possible strategies for promoting such development. [Copyright of 香港特殊教育論壇 is the property of 香港特殊教育學會有限公司. Full article may be available at the publisher's website: https://sites.google.com/a/seshk.org.hk/seshk-org-hk/c_publication]
- 中文
- 期刊論文
- 15627861
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/92236141
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