

Multiple Englishes: Multiple ways of being in the world (A conversational inquiry)

  • Multiple Englishes: Multiple ways of being in the world (A conversational inquiry)
  • English in Education, 57(2), 76-90, 2023
  • Taylor & Francis
  • 2023
    • Hong Kong
    • 1997.7 onwards
    • 未指定或無法歸類
  • This essay emerges from an ongoing conversation between us while collaborating on various projects that have explored the role that English plays in people's lives. One of us is an English teacher educator from Australia, the other an EFL educator from Iran now working in Hong Kong. Our conversation prompted us to reflect on English as a medium of communication between us that has enabled us to transcend the division between so-called native speakers and those who speak English as an additional language, without denying the differences between us. To take our conversation further, we set each other the task of writing an autobiographical vignette to inquire into how the English language has variously shaped our sense of self and our relationships with others. We thereby attempt to re-envision English as a relational and historically situated phenomenon in order to think again about our common project as English language educators. Copyright © 2023 Taylor & Francis.
    • 英文
  • 期刊論文
    • 04250494
  • https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/8c0ef78d
  • 2024-05-17

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