Media education: Definitions, approaches and development around the globe
- Media education: Definitions, approaches and development around the globe
- 傳媒教育:定義、教學取向及環球發展
- New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Association, 58(3), 1-13, 2010
- Hong Kong
- 香港教師會
- 2010
- Asia
- 1997.7 onwards
- 未指定或無法歸類
- Background: Media education is the study of the media with the aim of cultivating people’s media literacy. In the past four decades, media education has rapidly developed in school systems and communities all over the world. Each country has its own developmental trajectory. With the rise of the interactive new media, media education is going to have a paradigm shift, bringing media education study into a new era. Goals: This paper discusses the rationales, definitions and approaches of media education. It also provides an overview about the global development of media literacy training. Results: Although different countries define media education in different ways, they share the common goal of training media literate people to deal with the media in an intelligent and responsible way. Media education has been well developed in the West but in recent years Asia regions such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mainland China and Japan are gaining their momentum. With the emergence of various new media devices, media education is regarded as playing a more important role in cultivating wise prosumers in the 21st century. 背景:傳媒教育以傳媒為研習對象,目的是培養人們的媒介素養。過去四十年,傳媒教育在全球的學校及社區迅速發展,每一個國家都有它獨特的發展軌跡。隨著互動新媒體的興起,傳媒教育也進行範式轉移,將媒介素養的研習帶進新紀元。 目標:這篇文章的目的是介紹傳媒教育的重要性、定義及教學取向,它更為傳媒教育在全球各地的發展提供總覽。 結果:雖然不同國家對傳媒教育有不同的定義,但其實它們都有共同的目標,就是培育具有媒介素養的人,讓他們能精明及負責任地和傳媒打交道。傳媒教育在西方發展得很好,近年它在亞洲地區如香港、台灣、中國大陸及日本都有蓬勃的發展。由於各種新媒體不斷湧現,傳媒教育比以往更有迫切性去培養二十一世紀的「傳媒消費製作人」。 [Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at http://www.hkta1934.org.hk/]
- 英文
- 期刊論文
- 16831381
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/8472a8b8
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