- 邁向廿一世紀的電腦教學
- 香港電腦教育學會年刊, 9-12, 1996
- 香港
- 香港電腦教育學會
- 1996
- Hong Kong
- 1990-1997.6
- 小學教育
- 中學教育
- 作者從不同角度探討邁向21世紀電腦教育取向如下:一、在校內增加電腦輔助學習實驗室以作跨學科用之教室;二、以中學電腦認知課程模式,延展至小學電腦認知課程及改為應用電腦學習取向,並將初中電腦課程屬性從數理組更改為實用科目組;三、學習模式為以學生為本,按其能力選取合適材料學習,每星期應增至兩個課節;四、將現時會考課程,編寫程式部分/考試形式改用教師連續性審核;五、將AL電腦課程列入讀電腦學系的必要條件/獲優先考慮取錄;和六、將全港學校「智慧化」,應設專人管理電腦系統,包括軟、硬件,協助電腦輔助學習運作等。
- 中文
- 期刊論文
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/83c31438
- 2010-09-28
Researching L2 investment in EMI courses: Techno-reflective narrative interviews期刊論文
Technostress and English language teaching in the age of generative AI期刊論文
Playfulness and kindergarten children's academic skills: Executive functions and creative thinking processes as mediators?期刊論文
Teaching EFL students to write with ChatGPT: Students' motivation to learn, cognitive load, and satisfaction with the learning process期刊論文
Revamping an English for specific academic purposes course for problem-based learning: Reflections from course developers期刊論文
Contrasting mathematics educational values: An in-depth case study of primary and secondary teachers in Hong Kong期刊論文
Cross-disciplinary challenges: Navigating power dynamics in advocating an entrepreneurial STEM curriculum期刊論文
An exploration of microlearning as continuous professional development for English language teachers: Initial findings and insights期刊論文