- 香港推行自主學習的探索
- Orientations for facilitating self-directed learning in Hong Kong schools
- 教育學報, 42(2), 143-153, 2014
- 香港中文大學敎育學院
- 2014
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 未指定或無法歸類
- 近年,香港學校多以「自主學習」為旗幟,爭相模仿推行,甚至把自主學習看成是一種教學方式,以進行教學改進,可是對此中涉及的很多學習概念及策略,卻未有準確理解。本文嘗試分析各地推行的自主學習,大致歸納為三個取向,以作學校改進的參考:(1)源於西方認知發展理論中人在自我調適過程(self-regulated process)的角色;(2)中國內地在「還課堂給孩子」的觀念下,於課堂上進行不同形式的學生學習活動,並以「預習」及「導學案」來配合;(3)香港利用資訊科技發揮電子及網上學習的優勢,鼓勵學生主動學習。本文亦因應香港學校的實況,探索在學校層面制訂推行自主學習的策略及有效推動的關鍵。Self-directed learning (SDL) has become a prevalent focus of development in Hong Kong schools in recent years. However, a more thorough discussion on the concepts and strategies related to SDL is anticipated to clarify its core essence and understand its impact. Based on the analysis of different initiatives to facilitate SDL across countries/regions, three orientations are consolidated in this article to provide insight into facilitating SDL: (1) the metacognition orientation, developed in Western countries, which emphasizes the role of self-regulatory process in human development; (2) the instruction model orientation, prevailing on the Chinese mainland, which emphasizes students' autonomy in learning and is supported by students' effort in "preparation" and "pre-lesson enquiry"; and (3) the learning enrichment orientation in Hong Kong which encourages SDL through the support of information technology (e.g., e-learning, Web teaching, flipped classroom). This article identifies the essence of encouraging SDL and discusses the conditions for facilitating SDL effectively in the context of Hong Kong. Copyright © 2014 香港中文大學.
- 中文
- 期刊論文
- 10251936
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/7ded38d6
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