


  • 教育的再思──關顧心靈教育的芻議
  • Re-thinking education--A proposal for caring spirituality education
  • 香港
  • 香港教師會
  • 2008
    • Hong Kong
    • 1997.7 onwards
    • 未指定或無法歸類
  • 背景: 教育界同工近年積極鼓吹小班教學,建議將小班人數由30 人減至25 人,目的之一是要讓老師有更有效地提升學生在智慧、情意和通用能力各方面的發展。香港教育學院近年亦推出『教大理想』(即成為教育大學的理想)、提升優質的教育,前年更設立『宗教教育與心靈教育中心』,提倡教育工作者應多關顧有關心靈教育的問題。這所中心是八間大專院校中獨一無二、也是香港教育學院在教育研究及理論實踐上最為突出的一個教育中心。因此,這也該是時候認真地反思教育的使命,本文作者提出一個關顧心靈教育的芻議,盼望能拋磚引玉,擦出進深探究教 育使命的火花來。
    討論焦點: 本文嘗試從理念入手,按三個分題去思考,分別是:(一) 心靈教育是甚麼?;(二) 為甚麼需要關顧心靈的教育?;(三) 怎樣推行關顧心靈的教育?。筆者特別提出三個推行關顧心靈教育的方法作為芻議,分別是:(一) 觸動學生的心靈; (二) 創造學生心靈的空間; 和(三) 從時間上、空間上及素質上三方面提升學生心靈的境界。
    建議: 盼望教育當局投放更多資源推動關顧學生心靈的教育;從事教育工作者今後亦更多地關注學生的心靈、並能更有效地推動關顧學生心靈的教育。
    Background: Hong Kong Educators have been proposing small-class teaching, reducing the number of pupils per class from 30 to 25. One reason for the change is to provide more space for teachers so that they can care more about the pupils’ individual needs. Whereas Hong Kong Institute of Education has been promoting its reposition to University of Education which enhances its wider concern for quality and holistic ideals, the institute has also established a Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education in order to demonstrate such a concern and to strengthen its commitment to holistic and spirituality education. It is indeed the proper time for us to re-think educational mission of schools and the present paper is doing precisely this fine job and a proposal is made for the implementation of spirituality education in schools of Hong Kong today.
    Aims or focus of discussion: Three questions will be raised and discussed in this paper, namely: (a) what is spirituality education?; (b) why is spirituality education needed in school education today?; and (c) how to promote spirituality education in schools today? The author is going to suggest three ways for the promotion of spirituality education in schools, namely: (a) touching the soul/spirit of the pupils; (b) creating more space for spiritual growth; and (c) lifting up the spirits of the pupils by cultivating consciousness of transcendence in temporal, spacial and qualitative dimensions.
    Suggestions: It is suggested that school authorities should be given more resources to promote the care for spirituality education in schools, and teachers should be better trained and equipped for this aspect of education.
    Conclusion: The task of an educator is to help lifting up the souls/ spirits of the pupils so that they would live better life and work towards self-transcendence.
    [Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at http://www.hkta1934.org.hk/]
    • 中文
  • 期刊論文
    • 16831381
  • https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/7cd33825
  • 2010-12-02

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