Realising sustainability leadership: The role of green non-government organisations in outdoor environmental education in Hong Kong
- Realising sustainability leadership: The role of green non-government organisations in outdoor environmental education in Hong Kong
- Experiencing the outdoors: Enhancing strategies for wellbeing
- Netherlands
- SensePublishers
- 2015
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 未指定或無法歸類
- In the last few decades, the Asia Pacific region has faced unprecedented social, economic, political and environmental challenges. These in turn have prompted the necessity for partnerships on order to realise sustainable development in the region.
- 英文
- 章節
- 9789462099449
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/56d73a27
- 2016-06-13
Barriers to entry as barriers to identity: Short stories of the struggles of ethnic minority English language teachers to enter teaching in Hong Kong章節
Creating pathways for cultural inclusion: Informal learning and teacher education in Hong Kong章節
A philosophical approach to teacher education章節
A study on social interactions among primary students in English vocabulary acquisition in a mobile learner-generated content learning environment章節
Teacher education in a postcolonial Hong Kong: Forms, drivers, influences, and agency章節
Melancholy in narratives of early career English teachers in Hong Kong章節
A corpus-based approach to learning and teaching Cantonese章節
Translanguaging and trans-semiotising in a public relations writing course: Exploring heteroglossic co-becoming in a higher education institute in Hong Kong章節