- 漫談人文教育思想與愉快的學習
- 學與教的喜悦
- 香港
- 朗文香港教育
- 2000
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 未指定或無法歸類
- 本文旨在討論與兒童愉快學習有關的價值觀,並指出西方自羅素與杜威等教育家的人文教育思想與中國儒家思想的精粹,皆配合香港的教育目標及二十一世紀教育藍圖。幫助學生全面發展,使兒童愉快地學習,已愈來愈重要。然而,精英教育思想仍深深影響著現今一般人對教育的看法,此乃香港教育問題的癥結所在。因此,要使兒童能愉快地學習,我們要重思中西方的人文教育思想、要面對教育的評核和考試制度的改革、要充分利用資源和加強師資培訓、要創新課程設計、要認可課外活動的意義,才能更有效地幫助學生認識自己的潛能,落實全人發展,以達到愉快地學習的境界。[Copyright © 2000 朗文香港教育.]
- 中文
- 章節
- 9620070208
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/4cb9fd9c
- 2015-09-09
A study on social interactions among primary students in English vocabulary acquisition in a mobile learner-generated content learning environment章節
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Melancholy in narratives of early career English teachers in Hong Kong章節
A corpus-based approach to learning and teaching Cantonese章節
Translanguaging and trans-semiotising in a public relations writing course: Exploring heteroglossic co-becoming in a higher education institute in Hong Kong章節
Intercultural collaborative teaching and learning in online environments: E-quality in global media education case study章節
Dynamic enrichment learning mode: A new way to facilitate the learning of Chinese as a second language in the mainstream curriculum章節
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