Religious education in a multi-religious context: An examination of four religious schools in Hong Kong
- Religious education in a multi-religious context: An examination of four religious schools in Hong Kong
- Religion and education: Comparative and international perspectives
- Oxford
- Symposium Books
- 2018
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 未指定或無法歸類
- Numerous recent studies have discussed religious education in a multi-religious context. However, few have explored single religion-based curricula in a multi-religious setting. With reference to Hong Kong, this chapter aims to fill this research gap by providing empirical evidence regarding religious education for all students with religious or secular backgrounds in four government-subsidised religious schools. The chapter first examines the social and educational contexts of religious education in Hong Kong. Religious schools have autonomy in implementing religious curricula, whereby both religious and secular teachers and students work together. Second, it introduces the specific settings of the schools, investigating religious education from a single-religion perspective with educational contents concerning moral and values education. Finally, the chapter explores the practices implemented in the schools, emphasising the special position of the sponsoring bodies of religious schools and their autonomy in curriculum development regarding religious education.[Copyright © 2018 Symposium Books.]
- 英文
- 章節
- 9781910744017
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/39e293fc
- 2018-03-16
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