


  • 洪堡特的普通教育與香港的大學通識教育
  • Humboldt’s allgemeinbildung and general education in Hong Kong universities
  • 比較教育, 89, 45-63, 2020
  • 中華民國比較教育學會
  • 2020
    • Hong Kong
    • 1997.7 onwards
    • 專上教育
  • 本研究的目的是從洪堡特的教育哲學檢視香港的通識教育的理念與實踐,比較兩間傳統大學在課程設計和實踐的異同。本研究採用文獻分析的研究方法,將文獻與實證研究的結果進行批判性的分析和比較,由洪堡特的〈關於人之能力的發展法則〉、〈關於人之陶冶理論〉及〈關於人類的精神〉三篇文章探討其全人教育理念,並依此檢視香港兩間大學的通識教育。洪堡特全人教育有三個要點:第一、強調人的不同能力,如理性和感性之間的平衡、調和,甚至互相促進;第二、一方面強調經驗的多樣性,另一方面又強調人類心智的統一性,如此一來,如何透過前者的培育讓後者得到發展?第三、洪堡特的教育和陶冶哲學十分強調人的個體性,教育的目的不只是純粹技術性知識的灌輸,而是掌握科目一些重要的基本理念,以達致人格完整發展。本研究從這三方面探討香港兩所政府資助大學的通識教育的同時,尤其注意科目之間如何平衡上述不同的能力,以及如何做到又多元又掌握一些基本理念,並能培養學生跨科系的學習能力。最後,本研究亦從一些教師和學生對課程的意見,檢討香港的大學通識教育的成就和缺失。This paper aims to investigate W. von Humboldt’s educational philosophy and compare it with the idea and practices of general education in Hong Kong by applying documentary analysis and then compare them critically with the results of other empirical studies. Based on the three Humboldt’s articles, his idea of Allgemeinbildung can be summarized in three points: 1. the fullest development and harmonization of man’s different faculties such as rationality and sensibility; 2. the variety of experiences and unity of the human mind and character, how the latter can be achieved through the former? 3. emphasis of individualities. The aim of education is not only to transfer knowledge but also to master some basic and imperative ideas of the subjects to achieve the whole person development. It then investigates the general education in two government subsidized universities to see how different faculties can be balanced, and how various basic ideas can be mastered to build up students’ multidisciplinary competences. It compares the differences and similarities of curriculum design and practice between two universities in Hong Kong. Lastly, the achievements and deficiency of general education is discussed by looking at the opinions of lecturers and students on the curriculum. Copyright © 2020 中華民國比較教育學會.
    • 中文
  • 期刊論文
    • 16095758
  • https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/38d35371
  • 2021-09-08

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