Search for books, chapters, journal articles and reports.

Search Results: 8171 - 8180 of 8205
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  • 8171. To rethink aesthetic education in schools: Case study into an arts-in-education program in Hong Kong
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: 187-202
    Year published: 1999
    City published: 香港
    Publisher: 香港美術教育協會
  • 8172. 香港小學美術教育現況透視--美術教育是否被忽視?
    By: 李淑儀
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: 3-12
    Year published: 1999
    City published: 香港
    Publisher: 香港美術教育協會
  • 8173. 在中學施行美術史教學的問題
    By: 林美鳳
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: 51-56
    Year published: 1999
    City published: Hong Kong
    Publisher: School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 8174. 從認識麥顯揚雕塑作品衍生的裝置藝術展覽
    By: 黃佩華
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: 29-34
    Year published: 1999
    City published: Hong Kong
    Publisher: School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 8175. 香港數學教育的回顧與前瞻:梁鑑添博士榮休文集
    Document Type: Books
    Year published: 1995
    City published: 香港
    Publisher: 香港大學出版社
  • 8176. 美育與美術教育文集
    Document Type: Books
    Year published: 1994
    City published: 廣州
    Publisher: 嶺南美術出版社
  • 8177. Syllabus guidelines 1, communication: A graded communicative approach towards school foreign language learning
    Document Type: Books
    Year published: 1984
    City published: London
    Publisher: Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research
  • 8178. The Hong Kong Association for Computer Education tenth anniversary souvenir publication, 1981-1991
    Document Type: Books
    Year published: 1991
    City published: Hong Kong
    Publisher: Hong Kong Association for Computer Education
  • 8179. Education for the future: Policy recommendations for information technology in education: Policy discussion paper June 25, 1998
    Document Type: Books
    Year published: 1998
    City published: Hong Kong
    Publisher: University of Hong Kong: Hong Kong Policy Research Institute
  • 8180. Searching for a new paradigm of music education research: An international perspective
    Document Type: Books
    Year published: 1998
    City published: Korea
    Publisher: Korean Music Educational Society

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