本文披露作者最近在學院完成的一項調查結果,反映及分析畢業生認為可以幫助找到工作的成功因素、挑選工作時所考慮的重要因素及對就業前景及未來薪酬的展望,結果發現不同性別及就讀不同課程的學生,在觀點上有明顯分歧,所得的數據,希望為學院在推行就業輔導工作及對課程重點掌握上,提供一些啟示。作者認為畢業生對未來工作的實際情況欠缺了解,因此,應在培訓課程中加入實際在職體驗部分,安排學生在本地及內地企業實習,在課程內加入有關內地企業體制的知識,以貫徹終身教育理念。As our economy is moving towards a knowledge-based post-industrial era, graduates need to re-equip themselves to meet with rapidly changing expectations of employers and society. A study was launched to gain insight into the expectations and aspirations of graduating class students on their prospective jobs. Findings reveal concern with issues such as securing a job, preference for potential jobs, while salary and job prospects were also analyzed. As China is a member of the WTO, Hong Kong students need to widen their exposure and enhance their practical work experiences through workplace education and placement in both local and Mainland companies. In addition, vocational education institutions also need to provide to students a seamless learning experience and enhance their lifelong learning abilities. [Copyright of Journal of Youth Studies is the property of The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups at http://yrc.hkfyg.org.hk/]