Journal Articles
Beginning teachers: Internship and registration
- Beginning teachers: Internship and registration
- 新入職教師的見習與發牌制度
- Hong Kong Teachers' Centre Journal, (4), 161-176, 2005
- Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Teachers' Centre
- 2005
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Unknown or Unspecified
- The development of a highly qualified and committed teaching force is one of the core issues in on going world wide educational reforms. In order to meet the new challenges, certain reforms on teacher education and professional development have been recently introduced in Hong Kong. Among these, the Advisory Committee on Teacher Education and Qualifications (ACTEQ) initiates a new proposal on the internship and registration of beginning teachers. This paper attempts to examine the proposal from an international perspective. Both its pros and cons are going to be discussed. It is argued that the internship of beginning teachers should be introduced as a way of improving teacher development of Hong Kong at both individual and school levels.首年入為新任教師帶來衝擊,妥善的入職培訓有助提升教師的效能。師訓與師資諮詢委員會於二零零三年倡議在香港建立新入職教師的見習與註冊制度,然而直至目前為止,仍未落實有關政策,致令新任教師缺之支援。本文偕鑒外國經驗,旨在探討教師見習與註冊是否可行,並分析師徒式的成效,期望為香港的師訓發展開啟新方向。[Copyright of Hong Kong Teachers' Centre Journal is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Centre at]
- English
- Journal Articles
- 16828984
- 2011-06-11
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