Journal Articles
- 在融合教育中實踐服務學習概念:個案示範
- Implementing service learning in the context of inclusive education: A case demonstration
- 香港教師中心學報, 18, 1-13, 2019
- 香港教師中心
- 2019
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Secondary Education
- Post-Secondary Education
- 香港政府倡導融合教育,照顧學生多樣化,亦鼓勵學生達致全人發展,但教師工作繁忙,如何同時達成二者目標實屬挑戰。本文旨在為初高中和專上教育教師提供能夠糅合二者的教學方法,文章介紹了「服務學習」概念,強調教學時需「服務」和「學習」並重,給予學生機會設計和帶領活動,學習理解不同群體的需要,深入反思社會現況。研究團隊有系統地建立了一套「服務學習」框架,並以香港教育大學和香港浸會大學的合作計劃為參考示範。The advocate of inclusive education and whole person development has been one of the major missions of Hong Kong government, but to fulfill the goal of such mission in the classroom poses a great challenge to teachers. The present paper aims to provide a pedagogy for teachers of secondary and tertiary educations that achieves both the purposes of inclusive education and whole person development. The concept “Service-Learning” which emphasizes the importance of “service” and “learning” in teaching is introduced. Teacher following such pedagogy offers student chances to organize and undertake activity, to learn to understand the needs of different people and to have a deep reflection about the society. Our team, based on the concept, has developed a structural framework to operationalize the concept in teaching and a project co-organized by The Education University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Baptist University is provided as case demonstration for reference. Copyright © 2019 香港教師中心.
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 16828984
- 2020-07-20
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