Journal Articles
- 創意社會、藝術教育與青年政策
- Creative society, arts education and youth policy
- 青年研究學報, 7(2), 37-42, 2004
- 香港
- 香港靑年協會
- 2004
- Hong Kog
- 1997.7 onwards
- Unknown or Unspecified
- 香港社會經濟成功轉型,不能單靠勤儉努力的傳統,還須發展鼓勵創意而持續發展的進取型社會。鼓勵純學術型的學校教育,已不能迎合急速社會發展的需要。多元智能的學校教育是新世紀時代當務之急。本文借鑑美國學者致力研究「創意新貴」,及研究發展「未來社會」創意社區的意念,藉此檢視發展本地創意社區的可能性。藝術教育對培育創意想像力及多元智能成效顯著,因此推動藝術教育而著重宏觀的青年政策,才有利建設「創意城市」,同時亦有助發展本港社會轉型的創意經濟,及建設具文化氣息優質社區的環境。The successful restructuring of Hong Kong's economy does not merely rely on the traditional Chinese virtues of diligence and thrifty habits, it also needs to nurture a proactive society that treasures creativity and sustainable development. A school education emphasizing academic ability alone can no longer keep up with the ever-rising needs for social development. Conversely, school education emphasizing multiple-intelligences is to be acclaimed in the new millennium. This article makes reference to the latest research studies and ideas both on the Rise of the Creative Class in the U.S. and the development of a creative community for the future society to explore the possible development of a creative local community. The efficacy of Arts education on nurturing creativity, imagination and multiple intelligences is very apparent. Thus, it is of paramount importance to promote Arts education and a macro-perspective youth policy in order to construct a creative city which is also conducive to the transformation of the Hong Kong economy towards a creative economy, as well as a quality and cultural-rich community.[Copyright of Journal of Youth Studies is the property of The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups at]
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 10297847
- 2011-06-11
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