
搜尋結果: 顯示第 1-10 筆資料 (共 12 筆)
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  • 1. Reflections of a new teacher--Peer supervision in teacher development
    作者: Man, E. Y. F.
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    出版年: 1996
    出版地: Hong Kong
    出版者: Hong Kong Teachers' Association
  • 2. 教無止境:數學「學養教師」的成長
    文件類型: 會議論文
    頁數: 53-56
    出版年: 1994
    出版地: Hong Kong
    出版者: Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong
    會議: Conference on Curriculum Changes in Hong Kong: The Needs of the New Era (1994: Hong Kong)
  • 3. The contribution of primary social studies, science and health education curriculum to essential about environmental education: A preliminary study
    作者: Lee, J. C. K.
    文件類型: 會議論文
    頁數: 126-131
    出版年: 1994
    出版地: Hong Kong
    出版者: Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong
    會議: Conference on Curriculum Changes in Hong Kong: The Needs of the New Era (1994: Hong Kong)
  • 4. Curriculum implementation of environmental education in schools: Towards a framework of study
    作者: Lee, J. C. K.
    文件類型: 會議論文
    頁數: 132-137
    出版年: 1994
    出版地: Hong Kong
    出版者: Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong
    會議: Conference on Curriculum Changes in Hong Kong: The Needs of the New Era (1994: Hong Kong)
  • 5. 淺評小學常識科課程綱要並論其成功推行的要素
    作者: 梁兆棠
    文件類型: 會議論文
    頁數: 31-33
    出版年: 1994
    出版地: Hong Kong
    出版者: Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong
    會議: Conference on Curriculum Changes in Hong Kong: The Needs of the New Era (1994: Hong Kong)
  • 6. STS in primary schools: Is it possible?
    作者: Fung, Y. H.
    文件類型: 會議論文
    頁數: 83-86
    出版年: 1994
    出版地: Hong Kong
    出版者: Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong
    會議: Conference on Curriculum Changes in Hong Kong: The Needs of the New Era (1994: Hong Kong)
  • 7. 中文教師在教學自信方面的自我評鑑
    作者: 何萬貫; 歐佩娟
    文件類型: 會議論文
    頁數: 10-13
    出版年: 1994
    出版地: Hong Kong
    出版者: Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong
    會議: Conference on Curriculum Changes in Hong Kong: The Needs of the New Era (1994: Hong Kong)
  • 8. 香港中學中文科課程綱要的初步探究
    文件類型: 會議論文
    頁數: 47-52
    出版年: 1994
    出版地: Hong Kong
    出版者: Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong
    會議: Conference on Curriculum Changes in Hong Kong: The Needs of the New Era (1994: Hong Kong)
  • 9. 中學中國語文科科主任復修課程的設置
    作者: 謝曾淑貞
    文件類型: 會議論文
    頁數: 65-66
    出版年: 1994
    出版地: Hong Kong
    出版者: Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong
    會議: Conference on Curriculum Changes in Hong Kong: The Needs of the New Era (1994: Hong Kong)
  • 10. 中國語文及文化科文化部分的空無課程初探
    作者: 周漢光
    文件類型: 會議論文
    頁數: 19-21
    出版年: 1994
    出版地: Hong Kong
    出版者: Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong
    會議: Conference on Curriculum Changes in Hong Kong: The Needs of the New Era (1994: Hong Kong)

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