
搜尋結果: 顯示第 1-7 筆資料 (共 7 筆)
已選 0 筆紀錄
  • 1. Acquisition of spatial concept and the Chinese nouns of locality of Pakistani students in Hong Kong
    文件類型: 會議論文
    出版年: 2008
    會議: International Conference on Education, Economy and Society (2008: Paris, France)
  • 2. Reflective teaching and action research: A new approach of teacher education for Chinese primary school teachers in Hong Kong
    文件類型: 會議論文
    出版年: 1997
    會議: European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 1997 (1997: Frankfurt, Germany)
  • 3. Applying assessment for learning in Hong Kong language classrooms
    文件類型: 會議論文
    出版年: 2008
    會議: International Symposium on Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (2008: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)
  • 4. A cognitive study on second language writing: Some implications of the transformation stage for the composing process of a secondary student in Hong Kong
    作者: Chow, Lai Ying
    文件類型: 會議論文
    出版年: 2000
    會議: International Conference on Teacher Education 1999: Teaching Effectiveness and Teacher Development in the New Century (1999: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)
  • 5. The role and development of action research in teacher education for Chinese primary school teachers in Hong Kong
    文件類型: 會議論文
    出版年: 2004
    會議: Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association: Enhancing the Visibility and Credibility of Educational Research (2004: San Diego, CA)
  • 6. Dewey and curriculum development: A case study of language curriculum development in Hong Kong
    文件類型: 會議論文
    出版年: 2001
    會議: Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association: What We Know and How We Know It (2001: Seattle, WA)
  • 7. Policies and problems of accessibility: The view from Hong Kong
    文件類型: 會議論文
    出版年: 2001
    會議: International Conference on Inclusion by Design (2001: Montréal, Québec)

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