Challenges and strategies to educational change--Introducing school-based curriculum
- Challenges and strategies to educational change--Introducing school-based curriculum
- 教育改革的挑戰與策略--校本課程
- New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Association, 55(2), 78-96, 2007
- Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Teachers' Association
- 2007
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 小學教育
- Background: During the era of education reform, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has launched a series of measures to enhance the learning of the students and the effectiveness of teaching. In the Curriculum Development Council document, Learning to Learn--the Way Forward in Curriculum, the policy of school-based curriculum is advocated. The aim is to allow "schools to have more autonomy in choosing some contents more relevant to their students so long as they are in line with the curriculum aims, strands, principles of learning/teaching, with justifiable modifications that suit their students most", This paper reports a case study of a local primary school in implementing the school-based curriculum in General Studies (GS) from 2003 to 2006. Aims: To study why the school initiated such educational change, the strategies teachers employed and difficulties they encountered. Recommendations are made for teachers and administrators who want to initiate educational change in schools. Sample: The head teacher, the subject panel, level coordinators and subject teachers were interviewed. Parents and students were also invited to fill in questionnaires by the end of the school year. Method: Qualitative research method such as in depth interview and quantitative research method such as filling in questionnaires were employed. Results: Most of the teachers claimed that it is the school administration who initiated the adoption of the school-based curriculum policy. Though they tried their best to deal with various difficulties, worked hard, prepared lessons jointly, and claimed that students showed more interest in lessons, some did not have the ownership of the school-based curriculum development. Conclusion: The implementation and institutionalization of any educational change requires more than willing individual teachers, e.g. the subject panel or level coordinators. Rather, there needs to be a deep re-conceptualisation of the nature of knowledge, teaching, learning, and changes in the practices of the subject department, supported by the head teacher, school administration, parents and students. 背景:推行教育改革的目的是為增強學生的學習笸提升教師的教學效能。「學會學習」文獻中強調校本課程發展的重要性,鼓勵讓學校和教師把中央課程加以調適,發展個別的校本課程,幫助學生更有效的學習。本文匯報本地一小學過去三年在常識科推行校本課程的情況。 目的:探討該學校推行這改革的原因、採取的策略、和遇到的困難。同時亦提出一些建議以便學校推行教育改革。 調查對象:訪問校長、科主任、級聯絡老師及常識科科任老師。學期終,學生和家長填寫問卷調查。 調查方法:有關持分者接受訪問或填寫問卷調查。 調查結果:大部分老師宣稱這改革是由學校行政推動。雖然他們努力克服各種困難、用較多時間搜集資料、集體備課、和指出學生對課堂活動較感興趣,但他們並沒擁有這教育改革。 總結:推行教改及使改革內容制度化不能單靠個別熱心的老師,例如科主任或級聯絡老師。所有的持分者除了必須認可改革的意義,亦應重新審視該科的學科知識、教與學的取向,學校的政策與資源的運用亦須與該改革內容配合。[Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at http://www.hkta1934.org.hk/]
- 英文
- 期刊論文
- 16831381
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/e26fff48
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