- 屯門交通事件的創傷處理:香港學生輔助會小學的經驗
- Handling the trauma of Tuen Mun traffic incident: The experience of the Hong Kong Student Aid Society Primary school
- 教育曙光 : 香港教師會學報, (48), 92-97, 2003
- 香港
- 香港教師會
- 2003
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 中學教育
- 本文是獻給香港學生輔助會小學永遠懷念的蔡愛蓮老師的。二零零三年七月十日早上六時三十八分,屯門公路發生極嚴重的交通事故。香港學生輔助會小學也很不幸地有一位老師逝世及一位老師受傷。對絕大部分是年輕老師的新學校來說,能在這麼短的時間內大致處理了那麼困難的事故,是很難得的。在這篇短文中,我們首先描述在事故發生後,本校的處理過程,然後嘗試歸納可供學校在處理創傷事故時參考的十個重點,包括(1)反應和處理要快;(2)儘快尋求額外的支援;(3)以專業輔導人員帶領行政工作;(4)先輔導老師,使他們可應付輔導學生的工作;(5)強調教育專業來激勵老師;(6)硬件的準備和配合;(7)由專人接待傳媒及避免傳媒在輔導期間接觸師生;(8)儘快使學校回復正常運作;(9)儘快檢討及隨機應變;(10)抱持包容體諒的態度。 This paper is dedicated to our colleague, Miss Choi Oi Lin. On July 10, 2003, the traffic incident at Tuen Mun Road took away several teachers' lives. One of our teachers died and another one was injured. Although most of the teachers of our school were young, our school was able to handle the trauma of this incident within a relatively short period of time. This paper reported our handling process and summarized ten important points that may have reference values. They are: (1) react and handle the incident quickly; (2) whenever possible, get extra help; (3) let professional counselors lead the handling process; (4) counsel the teachers first, before they can counsel the students; (5) emphasize the professionalism of teaching to encourage teachers; (6) arrange and prepare necessary hard wares and materials; (7) appoint designated person to deal with the media; (8) go back to normal operations as soon as possible; (9) review quickly during the process and prepare to change; and (10) adopt an accommodative attitude.[Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at http://www.hkta1934.org.hk/]
- 中文
- 期刊論文
- 16831381
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/d21a6aa3
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