Higher education research in Hong Kong: Context, trends, and vision
- Higher education research in Hong Kong: Context, trends, and vision
- Researching higher education in Asia: History, development and future
- Singapore
- Springer
- 2018
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 專上教育
- With the processes of inter- and intranationalization, higher education in Hong Kong has been rapidly expanding in an effort to develop the city into a regional education hub. This chapter explores the trends and developments of higher education research (HER) in Hong Kong in the context of inter- and intranationalization. By drawing on the data from the Scopus database, this chapter analyzes a selection of journal chapters on higher education published in Hong Kong over the past three decades. Findings show that a significant growth and some new outputs have been seen in the field during the study period. In addition, local researchers have complied with the rule by forming more transnational and intranational research teams and by conducting more nonlocal studies. Interestingly, many of them have not abandoned local collaboration and studies, but they further developed their roots. These findings reveal that some internal signs of cosmopolitanization have been recorded in the field.
- 英文
- 章節
- 9789811049880
- 9789811049897
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/cb95954e
- 2018-01-25
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