

Assessment of science learning at the primary level: Perceptions of teachers

  • Assessment of science learning at the primary level: Perceptions of teachers
  • 小學科學學習表現評估:教師的觀感
  • Hong Kong
  • Hong Kong Teachers' Association
  • 2000
    • Hong Kong
    • 1997.7 onwards
    • 小學教育
  • This paper reports part of the findings from a project called, "Schools Around the World" which aims to offer opportunities for professional development among teachers participating in the project. Through the exchange of professional experiences between local teachers and teachers from other countries in the world, the development of a standard for students' achievement in science both locally and with reference to an international standard will be achieved. This project is originated from Schools Around the World Project (SAW) which was initiated in the United States by an education research foundation, Council for Basic Education (CBE). Apart from Hong Kong and the United States, there are seven other participating countries including Japan, the United Kingdom, Australia, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, and Portugal. It marks an innovative approach with its emphasis on teacher professional development. Instead of using curricular documents, textbooks or an one-off testing to find out standard of student achievement, SAW defines standard by engaging teachers in professional discussion about the nature of excellence and the methods of teaching. The excellence at issue is excellent student work. The project also aims to build up a professional network of teachers internationally such that teachers can work together to develop not only the local set of standards but also an international standard for students. Science which warrants much attention from the local educators has been designated as the first subject focus of the SAW project. This paper looks into the initial views of primary teachers about student work, assessment in science learning and the assessment of science projects at the primary level. The present study is now at the pilot stage, hence both the findings presented in this paper and the overall results of the pilot study provide important background information to the project in supporting the professional development of the teachers. Moreover, the findings will better inform local science educators about teachers' perceptions about student works in science, science assessment and professional discussion among colleagues in schools.
    本文的內容是重點報導「寰宇學校計劃」(Schools Around the World Project, 簡稱SAW)的部份研究結果。這項計劃的主要目的是為參與此計劃的教師提供專業發展的機會,讓本地教師能根據本地及國際標準,就學生在科學科的表現與世界各地的教師作專業的意見交流。「寰宇學校計劃」由美國一個教育研究基金會 – 基礎教育議會(Council for Basic Education, 簡稱CBE)策劃,對本港教育界而言,參與這項國際性項目實為一次突破性嘗試。「寰宇學校計劃」讓教師以專業角度討論卓越(學生習作的卓越表現)之本義,以及不同的教學法的作用,藉以釐定學生的表現標準,取代以書信文件、教科書或一次性的測驗、考試成績作釐定指標。此外,本計劃的另一目標是建立一個全球教師的專業網絡,讓教師能共同努力提升個人專業發展。寰宇學校計劃選取了科學科為首個重點科目,而科學科的發展也正是本地學者甚表關注的事項。本文探討了本港小學教師對科學科學生習作及其評核方法的見解,有關結果為本計劃提供了重要的基礎資料,將有助教師的專業發展。
    [Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at http://www.hkta1934.org.hk/]
    • 英文
  • 期刊論文
    • 16831381
  • https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/aac16f1f
  • 2010-12-02

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