Microcomputer software for education
- Microcomputer software for education
- Hong Kong Science Teachers Journal, 10(1), 46-54, 1982
- Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics education
- 1982
- Hong Kong
- 1980s
- 中學教育
- The following points are advocated in the paper: there was very little good educational software currently available, and so the UK organization MUSE (Microcomputer Users in Secondary Education) was introduced; the provision of a MUSE Software Library of software packages for access by local schools was vital; the Hong Kong Association for Computer Education had just been established and played a greater role in the development of computer education and computer-based education than the Government's Education Department; and the establishment of a specialist division within the advisory inspectorate, separate from and independent of the mathematics section, was a priority.
- 英文
- 期刊論文
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/8d155600
- 2010-09-28
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