

The development of pre-service teachers: Focus of concerns and perceived factors of effective teaching

  • The development of pre-service teachers: Focus of concerns and perceived factors of effective teaching
  • The Hong Kong Institute of Education
  • 2002
    • Hong Kong
    • 1997.7 onwards
    • 專上教育
  • Research on Hong Kong pre-service teachers’ concerns and their perception about effective teaching is meager. Thus, this author tried to help fill the knowledge gap by conducting a survey that involved the use of an open-ended, semi-structured questionnaire administered to 106 student teachers. The key findings are, firstly, three types of concerns were identified: the "Self", "Task", and "Impact" concerns. Secondly, the "Self" concerns constitute the largest proportion of concerns identified by the 106 student teachers; in this category, the most important concerns as ranked by these pre-service teachers are class discipline, acceptance by pupils, and teachers’ mastery of subject knowledge and teaching skill. And thirdly, the concerns are also closely related to such factors as subject matter knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and teacher pupils’ relationship that the student teachers considered important for effective teaching. The principal conclusions are that teacher education programs in Hong Kong have room for improvement in catering for the needs of pre-service teachers, and that teacher educators need to help reduce pre-service teachers’ concerns so as to facilitate their professional development.
    [Copyright © 2002 The Hong Kong Institute of Education.]
    • 英文
  • 期刊論文
    • 10290699
  • https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/759302d5
  • 2015-03-26

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