- 談語法教學
- 語文教育學院學報, (7), 53-61, 1990
- 香港
- 語文教育學院
- 1990
- Hong Kong
- 1990-1997.6
- 未指定或無法歸類
- 作者就教不教語法,教甚麼語法和怎樣教語法這幾方面討論香港中小學的語法教學問題。作者認為從以語法為掌握語言的一些規律和準確有效地運用語文的角度看,則中小學都應教語法。至於教甚麼語法,可以用《中學教學語法系統提要》為基礎。教語法則要把語法教活和著重講用法,在內容方面宜盡量使用課本及參考書中的語法資料並加以取捨或補充,再定出施教的程序,照顧「隨機施教」和「系統施教」兩方面的協調。(鄭佩芳整理)
- 中文
- 期刊論文
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/6839eb1b
- 2010-09-28
Modelling trait and state willingness to communicate in a second language: An experience sampling approach期刊論文
Teaching national identity in post-handover Hong Kong: Pedagogical discourse and re-contextualization in the curriculum期刊論文
Paradoxes in intercultural communication, acculturation strategies and adaptation outcomes: International students in Hong Kong期刊論文
The efficacy of the Peace Ambassador Project: Promoting children's emotional intelligence to address aggression in the early childhood classroom期刊論文
Brokering school improvement through a school–university partnership: A longitudinal social network analysis of middle leadership development期刊論文
L2 English listeners’ perceived comprehensibility and attitudes towards speech produced by L3 English learners from China期刊論文
School students’ aspirations for STEM careers: The influence of self-concept, parental expectations, career outcome expectations, and perceptions of STEM professionals期刊論文
Fundamental movement skills in Hong Kong kindergartens: A grade-level analysis期刊論文