


  • 學校本位課程發展:兩所中度智障學校的歷程
  • 香港特殊教育論壇, 8, 59-100, 2006
  • 香港特殊教育學會有限公司
  • 2006
    • Hong Kong
    • 1997.7 onwards
    • 小學教育
    • 中學教育
  • 香港的教育及課程改革要求學校進行各層面的變化去配合社會需要,主流及特殊學校都積極在主流的基礎課程上進行學校本位課程發展的工作,校本課程發展無可避免為學校執行「個別化教育計劃」帶來了有系統的改變;學校亦要進行有步驟的教師培訓去提升教師的專業能力及賦權教師推動校本課程及對特殊教育需要的支援。本文描述兩間收取中度智障學生的特殊學校,如何按部就班地重整課程及發展學習階段性課程為本的基線評估去匡監察學生進度。其中並討論所涉及以行動取向研究歷程的各種改變元素,從而確立了一整個實施課程及「個別化教育計劃」的行政體系,使未來的檢視及發展工作有一個清晰的流程及行政管理系統去跟進,是值得持續推動及推廣的一個特殊學校發展系統,並提出對校本及中央課程發展政策的一些反思及啟示。 With the urge for school changes to meet the new societal demands by both the education and curriculum reform in Hong Kong, both mainstream and special schools are active in adopting the mainstream curriculum as the basis for their school-based development. School-based curriculum development will inevitably call for systemic changes on the implementation of the Individualised Education Program (IEP) of the students with special educational needs within these schools. Coupled with these changes will be the need for stepwise professional development to empower teachers with the professional competence to implement both the school-based curriculum and support measures for special needs. The paper provides an account of the process through which two special schools for moderately mentally handicapped children restructured their school curriculun and developed key stage wise and curriculum-based baseline assessment procedures for monitoring the progress of learning of their students. The various elements being involved with the school-based curriculum development process using action-oriented research as the guiding approach for its development were discussed. The project generated a clear flow process for implementing IEP and a comprehensive administrative system for further follow up and evaluation of the curriculum development process. Implications for further development work on school-based curriculum and the policy for central curriculum framework to support special needs were discussed.
    [Copyright of 香港特殊教育論壇 is the property of 香港特殊教育學會有限公司. Full article may be available at the publisher's website:
    • 中文
  • 期刊論文
    • 15627861
  • https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/53ecef7d
  • 2019-04-09

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