Evaluating structural and process qualities of infant and toddlers rooms in Hong Kong
- Evaluating structural and process qualities of infant and toddlers rooms in Hong Kong
- The HKERA-APERA International Conference 2021 (2021: Hong Kong)
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 學前教育
- In recent years, the Hong Kong SAR Government is committed to enhancing early childhood care and education (ECCE) provision for local children aged 0 to 2. Nevertheless, there is a dearth of empirical evidence on the quality of ECCE provision for infants and toddlers in centre-based settings in Hong Kong; its impact on child outcomes also remains understudied. In the present study, we examined the structural and process qualities of ECCE settings for infants and toddlers in Hong Kong, and determined whether the qualities of ECCE provision were associated with young children’s language-communicative development. Two trained researchers visited 8 childcare centres in Hong Kong and used the Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale to assess the qualities of the centre provisions. We also administered the Chinese Communicative Development Inventory to capture the young children’s language-communicative skills. Our results dovetail international findings that process quality is a more important factor affecting child developmental outcome, thus calling for staff training and measures supporting an environment conducive to quality practitioner-child interaction. Copyright © 2021 HKERA-APERA International Conference.
- Paper presented at The HKERA-APERA International Conference 2021, Hong Kong, China.
- 英文
- 會議論文
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/51b7bfaa
- 2022-11-03
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