- 香港中學性教育文獻綜述及建議
- Sex education in secondary schools of Hong Kong--Literature review and recommendations
- 亞洲輔導學報, 6(2), 115-145, 1999
- 香港
- 香港專業輔導協會
- 1999
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 中學教育
- 香港性教育在中學推行及發展雖然已有十多年,但由於欠缺系統的教師培訓及其他複雜原因,實踐的果效仍未見理想。本文目的在綜觀有關香港性教育主要文獻及調查、整理已有資料,務求讓讀者更清晰了解香港青少年學生對性教育的需要,反思性教育定義、目標及其範疇,從而察看性教育在香港中學的實況。最後作者提出多項建議,期盼各方面能攜手合作,為中學生提供更完備及整全的性教育。Sex education was first officially introduced to the secondary schools of Hong Kong in 1986 when the Sex Education guideline was issued by the Education Department. Over the past thirteen years, even though more sex education programmes were implemented in schools, the overall result cannot be considered as satisfactory. There are many causes and one of them was due to the lack of systematic training for sex educators. This paper attempts to present a more systematic literature review of major local studies and surveys on sex education issues in Hong Kong, with a view that a better picture of sexuality needs of young people be emerged. The paper also tries to look at the definitions, goals, framework of sex education and the practical issues of sex education implementation in Hong Kong secondary schools. The paper concludes with recommendations for future sex education movement to gear at in order to best serve the multiple needs of secondary students from a holistic perspective.[Copyright of Asian Journal of Counselling is the property of The Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association at http://www.hkpca.org.hk/]
- 中文
- 期刊論文
- 15608255
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/3ba599b2
- 2010-12-07
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