- 中學中文科寫作題材的研究
- 語文與語文內容:語文教育學院第八屆國際研討會論文集
- 香港
- 香港教育署
- 1993
- 香港. 語文教育學院. 國際研討會 (1992: 香港)
- Hong Kong
- 1990-1997.6
- 中學教育
- 作者的研究採用問卷形式搜集資料,以了解本港教師擬寫作文題目的題材範圍、學生感興趣的題材和兩者的差異。作者共發出問卷40份,收到可供分析的題目共247道。分析顯示,題目雷同的情況嚴重;教師出題的題材與學生喜歡的不同;題目與學生生活脫節,亦缺乏選擇;作文近似測驗,並不以學生為主。(鄭佩芳整理)
- 中文
- 會議論文
- 9627854018
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/170f3571
- 2010-09-22
Perceptions of Hong Kong kindergarten teachers in applying STEM activities in inquiry-based classroom會議論文
Pre-service teachers’ intent to leave the profession: A case study in Hong Kong會議論文
Cultivating positive psychology and inclusive education in Hong Kong higher education會議論文
Enhancing career adaptability and career development self-efficacy of sen school leavers in Hong Kong會議論文
Quality music teaching and learning in Hong Kong kindergartens會議論文
Avoiding the “rat race”: Hong Kong students’ sense of belonging to a Chinese university in the Greater Bay Area會議論文
Rethinking academic careers with an education focus: A self-narrative from Hong Kong會議論文
Equity, diversity and inclusion in Hong Kong education: Associated challenges and opportunities, and the roles of policy and leadership會議論文