- 《香港小學學習字詞表》所收字形研究:兼論香港寫字教學之困境
- Research on the forms of the characters in the “Lexical Lists for Learning in Hong Kong Primary Schools” and the Dilemma of Chinese handwriting education in Hong Kong
- 國文學報, 40, 269-300, 2021
- 臺灣師範大學國文學系
- 2021
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 小學教育
- 香港教育局編製的《香港小學學習字詞表》是小學寫字教學的重要參考材料,也是廣大小學老師判別字形對錯的依歸。教師根據《字詞表》教學時卻出現不少問題,最具爭議是《字詞表》的字形與日常所見不同;而部分教師批改錯字的尺度亦飽受家長及社會人士非議。本文以文獻研究方法,梳理《字詞表》所收字形,發現當中不無可商榷之處;加上該表所收與臺灣標準不同,不同電腦字體之間亦有差異,以致書籍、網頁字形不統一,令教學倍添困難。部分教師只遵從《字詞表》,矯枉過正,令小學生失去學習中文的興趣。本文認為必須仿效中國及臺灣頒布具法律效力的「規範漢字表」;各大學的教育學院也應為小學老師提供更全面文字學訓練。"Lexical Lists for Learning in Hong Kong Primary Schools" compiled by the Education Bureau is an important reference material for Chinese handwriting teaching in primary schools, and it is also the basis for the majority of primary school teachers to judge between right or wrong of the Chinese Characters. However, many problems occur when teachers use the "Lexical Lists" to teach. The most controversial aspect is that the form of the "Lexical Lists" is different from the common ones. Some teachers' standards for correcting lexical errors are also criticized by parents and the community. This article adopts the method of literature research to sort out the character forms collected in the "Lexical Lists". It is found that the characters and guidelines of the "Lexical Lists" are not indisputable. Besides, some characters in the "Lexical Lists" are different from Taiwanese standards. Varieties may be found in different computer fonts, resulting in inconsistent lexises in books and web pages, which makes teaching more difficult. Some teachers strictly follow the "Lexical Lists" and over-corrections make primary students lose their interest in Chinese learning. It is believed that it is necessary to promulgate a "Standard Chinese Character List" like Mainland China and Taiwan. In addition, more comprehensive Chinese philology training for primary school teachers should be provided in education institutes. Copyright © 2021 國立臺灣師範大學國文學系.
- 中文
- 期刊論文
- 10196706
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/10432b7c
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