- 從世界學制的歷史發展看香港學制改革
- A view on the reform of the academic structure of Hong Kong from the history of developments in academic structures in the world
- 香港教師中心學報, (4), 61-68, 2005
- 香港
- 香港教師中心
- 2005
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 專上教育
- 2004年10月,教育統籌局發表了《改革高中及高等教育學制—對未來的投資》文件,提出「334學制」建議,香港社會上對此非關心,引起了廣泛的討論。本文從世界和香港學制的變化,談到今天「334學制」的變革問題。文章就學制擬訂的原則、世界學制的主流與特點、近期歐洲大學學制的新動向、中國近百年學制的演變等方面,提供了一些歷史發展資料,從而結合今天香港的實際環境,分析新世紀「334學制」的好處和挑戰。October, 2004, the Education and Manpower Bureau published a report titled "Reforming the Academic Structure for Senior Secondary Education and Higher Education --Actions for Investing in the Future", suggesting a new academic structure of "334" for Hong Kong, which immediately aroused great social concern and extensive public discussion on the on the issue. Based upon changes in the academic structures of Hong Kong and other parts of the world, the writer attempts to discuss the issues arising from the adoption of the new "334" academic structure. This article supplies valuable historical reference materials on the underlying principles of an academic structure, the main characteristics of various academic structures in other parts of the world, the recent trends of academic structures in universities in Europe, and the changes and reforms on the academic structures in China since the last century. It also analyses the advantages and challenges brought by the new structure for Hong Kong.[Copyright of Hong Kong Teachers' Centre Journal is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Centre at http://www.edb.org.hk/hktc]
- 中文
- 期刊論文
- 16828984
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/a5b1d148
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