School restructuring: International perspectives
- School restructuring: International perspectives
- London
- Kogan Page
- 1998
- Hong Kong
- United States
- Great Britain
- Australia
- 1997.7 onwards
- 未指定或無法歸類
- This book focuses on restructuring in relation to curriculum, teaching and learning and the authors highlight the impact of restructuring on key stakeholders at the school-site level and the role of these personnel in translating restructuring into practice. The authors present a selection of international casestudies which provide comparisons and contrasts with other societies. There are international policy-oriented studies, case studies based on a qualitative research approach, and statistically based case studies. These examples will help the reader come to a fuller understanding of school restructuring.
- 英文
- 書籍
- 0749424931
- 2011-06-16